Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Break!! Yesss!

So today was my last day of school before winter break! It was a long day, my neck muscles were extremely sore from a neck and mouth tic, and my tics were still pretty bad because of yesterday. All in all though I got through the day and I am so glad it's winter break. The break will give me lots of relaxation time and will hopefully help calm my tics down. Anyway since I'm going to have two full weeks off of school I may not have that much to blog about and I may not be posting every day. On the other hand I could be super bored over break and be compelled to blog like crazyyy! Who knows? I guess we'll just have to see! I already have some good ideas for blog posts and new blogging ideas. Over the next two weeks expect to hear about how the break is effecting my tics, my Hanukkah party with my cousins, hanging out with my boyfriend and other friends, and much more! Anyway I'm also going to do some posts introducing various Touretters in the community. I've already introduced Marc Elliot, Brad Cohen, and Jaylen Arnold but there are so many more! Another thing I'm going to start doing is including daily TS links and video's under each of my new blog posts starting today.

Oh yeah and by boyfriend did his health project on Tourettes in honor of me!! I felt very honored and he even included some of my more unique tics when he listed examples of tics. Thanks Speed Racer!!

Daily Video's: 

Tourettes: I Swear I can Sing featuring Ruth Ojadi (Part 1): 

TEDxYouth@Hewitt - Marc Elliot: 

Daily Links: 

TSF Canada's Great Wall of Tics 

An Excellent Youtube Channel by a Teen with TS (My Friend Starry!!) 

Another Great Youtube Channel by a Camp Twitch and Shouter (Alex!) 

A Blog by a Parent with a Son who has TS 

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