Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Joining Definite Possibilities as a Blogger!

Hey guys! So in the past few days I have been communicating with Logan Kurtz, a teen with Tourette's who is the founder of Definite Possibilities. Definite Possibilities is a social networking site for people will all sorts of disorders or disabilities. Logan invited me to join the Definite Possibilities team and blog about Tourette's and my associated disorder on the site, and since I  think the site is an awesome idea of course I said yes! I will still be blogging here on my own blog almost daily, but I will also be putting up more formal posts on the Definite Possibilities site. So now I blog for three sites! My blog site, Definite Possibilities, and occasionally on the NJCTS Teens4TS site. Most of my blog posts on this blog are pretty casual, but my posts on Definite Possibilities and the Teens4TS site are more formal usually. I also had the opportunity to video chat with Logan on Skype last night which was really neat! Logan is a really great guy and I definitely enjoyed getting to meet him face-to-face! Turns out we have a lot in common and we have some crazy coincidences as well! So please check out my blog posts on the Definite Possibilities site as well! My blog posts are under a section called "The Post" which is my section for blogging on the site. I wrote a brand new blog post introduction on his site which you guys should check out and I re-posted a popular post from this blog on the site too! Also if you have not signed up, you guys should totally do that. It is a great site which I think everyone with any disorder or disability can really benefit from joining.

My Blog Section-

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